Testosterone male impotence
If a man has low testosterone levels, the symptoms include erectile problems such as erectile dysfunction and lack of pleasure. Impotence Germ deficiency Azoospermia
Disruption, lack of pleasure, weakness, lack of desire for sexual intercourse, physical fatigue, thin semen, accelerated ejaculation, dropsy, the flow of semen and semen in women, its deterioration, or leukorrhea due to hormonal disorders, infertility, 8th pregnancy, bleeding, not forming eggs, cessation of menstruation or excessive menstruation, mental diseases of the bones. Along with the problems, problems like sex, sex drive, and lack of time can come up.
Hormones have many vital functions, such as bone and muscle growth.
Deepness of voice, hair growth, and other problems related to external appearance can occur. Medications are also given to solve these problems and a diet that includes quality food and good fats along with vigorous exercise and a whole night's sleep at 10 p.m. These hormones can be increased even by starting with comprehensive benefits and strong and experienced order. The Diet chart will also be listed below.
Asgandh Naguri Safof 200 gms
Saffron Kashmiri yellow, two tolas (24 grams)
Tabasheer Nuqra Indian (bamboo silica) 25 grams
Zaft Rumi 10 grams
Silajit pure one tola
Kushta Chandi Darkhatkal 20 grams
Kushta Tila one gram
Kushta Jawaharmehra 15 grams
Kushta Hera 1 gram
Goat testicle essence (johar khusia bakra) 50 grams
Mؐake all medicines in powdered shape and mix well
Fry it in 100 ml of desi ghee, mix 100 grams of honey and prepare half a kilogram of the paste.
Balsam Oil. And massage the testicles by mixing the pure cottonseed oil.
Kushta Baiza Murgh
Kushta Sadaf Sada
Kushta pearls (marwareed) are all one tola of high quality
In the morning and evening, take one Ratti with butter after eating and use the diet chart given below, God willing, you will get the result in a month.
1_Vitamin D which is mostly found in egg yolks and raw morning sun...
2_ Fenugreek seeds...
3_ Ginger...
4_ Zinc...
5_Goat meat, mutton cooked in its fat...
6_ Tuna fish...
7_ Nuts and seeds
8_ Walnut.
10_ Dry fruits.
11_ Pomegranate juice.
12_ Apple juice...
13_Strawberry juice.
14_ Garlic...
15_ Kalonji.
17_ Poppy.
19_ Black sesame.
20_ Beet juice.
21_ Carrot juice.
In Urdu
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